Friday, April 25, 2014

That good feeling

I may have had a glass of wine (whee!) before this, so please bear with me as I'll try not to drunk!post.  Just want to say: my horse rocks.  He ROCKS.  Had great trot stretch Wednesday in his first day back after getting his missing shoe replaced, had really lovely soft canter work yesterday including some nice stretch canter work (in addition to some amazing trot work), and today he was lovely again in the trot and nailed his flying changes (two on each lead).  We even did some trot and canter on a shorter rein/outline and he's feeling a lot stronger there.  I can't talk enough about how nice it is to feel him these days compared to where we started out.  He moves SO much bigger, his back is and topline are developing beautifully, and he just feels like a very scopey type mover these days.  It's an amazing feeling to feel us tapping into that athleticism (when I actually ride correctly off the outside rein).

My two favorite boys, Soonie and Boo

Hello Cuteness

He lives for his grass reward!

In other news, it's Rolex weekend, and I'm so happy for Allison Springer and her long time partner, Arthur (Irish Thoroughbred) in their excellent dressage performance this afternoon.  They're leading after the dressage phase, and on to the cross country tomorrow!  Check out their performance below, and be sure to tune in to the live feed of the XC at USEFNetwork.comClick here for ride times

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