Monday, September 2, 2013

First time over fences = success!

Soon was awesome today in his first jump school. We started with some poles piled on top of one another, then progressed to a small cross rail, and by the end of the short lesson, we had progressed to doing a mini course of cross rails.  He was his usual, laid back self today.  Very soft, very quiet (almost too quiet, holy crap I wish I had worn my spurs!), and took everything in stride.  As you can see:

Afterward we went for a quick walk down the driveway/road with another horse.  Soonie just walked around like he owned the place, on a loose rein and very happy to just chill.  He even conquered the farm's Scary Corner of Doom.  I'm hoping we can get on some real trails and maybe even an open field here shortly to play around and have fun.  I can't stand being in the ring all the time.  Overall, today was an awesome day.  I love my boy and feel very lucky to have such a star.

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