Monday, July 1, 2019

Sunday Funday and a Clean Start

Spent a quiet, productive Sunday at the barn.  All day.  Got a lot of stuff done too:

- Hacked Sig
- Cleaned out/reorganized my grooming tote
- Inventoried/reorganized my entire tack trunk
- Inventoried additional tack trunks/medicine cabinets in my trailer
- Reordered all medical supplies (threw out old medications, needed to restock other supplies like gauze pads, etc)
- Cleaned ALL THE TACK

"All the tack" officially consists of the following:
  1. Four bridles
  2. Two saddles
  3. Three breastplates
  4. Two martingales
  5. Five halters
  6. Five girths (...when did I get five girths??)
  7. Washed two laundry loads of saddle pads (that's just the every day rotation, there are two more additional loads waiting in the horse trailer to be done)
...I just have the one horse.

This is the one horse, and he is afraid of the round bales across the street

 It really was a nice, quiet day.  There was minimal traffic, only a handful of people there, so I wasn't in a busy environment all day.  I didn't start out thinking I was going to do all that, I knew it needed to be done, but it felt good to get it all accomplished before dinner.  It's good because after dinner was my meeting with Tack Hoarders Anonymous so....

All of this is mine, and this is only some of the tack I own.

Some of that tack dates back to Triple.  And most of it hasn't been cleaned since Soon died, so in a way, it was like giving myself a fresh start here in Kentucky.  It felt good.

Sunday morning barn vibes

This happened and I couldn't help but do a comparison pic.  These two were/are too funny!

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