Saturday, March 28, 2015

Life is good

I've not been able to ride much the last two weeks, particularly during the weeks.  Soon doesn't seem to mind, he's his usual, consistent and happy self when I do get on him.  I need to buckle down and get things back on a normal schedule, but at the same time I don't want to make it a pressure situation.  We're not going to the Olympics (some local Thoroughbred shows would be fun, though), so what I want to refocus on is just Soonie's development.  We worked hard on that topline, dammit, I want to keep him looking awesome! :)

Our rides lately have been a mix of hacks (when the property is dry enough) and flat schools in the indoor.  All have been fantastic so here are some photos:

Sometimes we go out in the big field and just graze

I'm also really looking forward to taking Soonie to the beach.  That's one thing I'd love to cross off my horsey bucket list and make a fun new memory with my boy.  Plus we get to go FAST!

Also...I bought this because I am weak. 


(I'm wearing it now because it smells like tack shop and I love tack shop)

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