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I had a goal when I came here to Okinawa that I wanted to get back into shape. Not only get back into shape, but drop some pounds, eat right, work out a lot, and leave in the best shape of my adult life.
When I got here I was about 15-20lbs over where I'd like to be, horribly out of shape, and just feeling rotten about myself. It was the result of over a year of pitying myself, being stuck in a deep emotional dark hole, the loss of Soon, the ongoing family drama....all which drained me of any energy I needed to actually get myself active again and working out. I barely rode, I didn't play hockey. I didn't even have the energy to cook for myself. That whole year I ate like trash.
Back in December I finally got serious about getting my fitness back on track. I started working with one of my colleagues, who helped get me on a sustainable program in the gym and introduced me to Keto diet. I had a physical fitness test last week and I knew back in Nov/Dec that I needed to get my shit together immediately. So my gym buddy helped set up a program for me and having a workout partner was what I needed to hold me accountable and motivate me. Eventually I was doing two-a-days, running a couple miles in the morning and doing a gym workout (chest/back/shoulders/arms/legs) in the afternoon.
Despite being such a total lard earlier this year, I knocked out a 94.2 on my PT test (I usually score 95's so that was about on point) and despite being a couple seconds slower on the run portion, I was very happy with that. More importantly, that crap is out of the way and now I can start pushing myself harder in the gym without worrying about hurting myself before the annual PT test. I'm excited to go harder and farther and faster, and to see even more results in the next three months. Keto's been working for me as well, it was great to kick the sugar habit (I still have my cheat days and love chocolate) and I feel better when I'm on it. I feel a lot better about myself and I am eager to see how much more progress I can achieve in the future.
I'm back to my barefoot running routine (yes, I'm one of those crazy people that runs around with absolutely no shoes on...trust me it's the only way I can run for miles without crippling myself), running between 3-5 miles at a time, and spending the afternoons in the gym working targeted areas. My clothes are finally fitting better, and I have hope my breeches and boots will fit when I return and it's time to get back in the saddle.
I also took up golf (got myself my own set of Cleveland clubs!!) and am sticking with the violin as well. These two things give me something else to do and focus on, and are substituting as best they can for the horses. I still need the horses though, and these last three months might crawl by. I'm hoping though by staying busy, focusing on the fitness stuff and the other activities here that make me happy, that I'll get through it and before long I'll be on that long plane ride to Kentucky.
Ugh, emotional pounds are the HARDEST. I'm struggling with them, too. Thank god I'm too broke to buy new clothes. That's usually the incentive for me to get back to it. Also, hello fellow barefoot runner! I'm running in cities all the time, so I use barefoot shoes. But damn if all my joint pain didn't vanish once I shed the cushioning. Crazy, but works for me.