Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Lone Ranger

My horse is a genius.  Why?  Because Soon and I went down the road by ourselves today!  :)

He was so good on Friday, that I decided it would be good to try the same route by ourselves today.  Nature threw the gauntlet down, as today was significantly cooler and windier than it has been all season.  But I figured, if he could go down the road today without killing me, everything should be fine.  Thank goodness I was right. ;)

He marched right along all by himself.  His ears were up and he moved forward pretty relaxed, but alert.  We even trotted and cantered on the road, with no drama of any kind.  When I asked him to go a little further, he complied.  When we met up with some neighbors' horses out in the pasture, he kept his cool.  He was very forward moving coming home, but maintained the walk and did exactly what I asked.  He'll eventually figure out that the barn isn't going to sneak away while he's gone.  He was quiet enough coming home that I could still take my phone out and take pictures, so hopefully that gives some idea of how harrowing the walk home was.  ;)

I am just seriously so impressed by his great work ethic and willingness to do what I ask...he manages to impress me all the time! 

Crossties as head rests
Soonie also got a new turnout sheet today.  Temps should be good this week, but I expect that fall will eventually show up, so I wanted to make sure he was outfitted with some cool new clothes.  I spoiled him and got the fully lined sheet.  Yes, he looked adorable in it.  I've also been crosstying him lately instead of tacking up in the stall - I wasn't entirely sure if he crosstied coming off the track, as some just don't.  And since I failed to ask, I just assumed he didn't.  Well, Soon either knew crossties already, or he figured them out that quickly, because he's a rock.  Actually, his new thing is to walk all the way forward on the crossties, lean on them, and fall asleep.  Like, knee buckling falling asleep.  Life is SO tough...

Distinguished gentleman

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